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The Bulletin

Words You Throw Away

The Bulletin discusses Trump disruptions, university investigations, and the recent Syrian massacre. 

My Walmart Evangelism Wasn’t Working

The Good News didn’t sound so good when I ambushed people in the chip aisle.


A Christian Worldview Is a Work in Progress, Not a Finished Product

A new book seeks to reframe and refresh a common model of faith-based education.

My Journey into Black Evangelicalism

Evangelicals loved the Bible. They also loved talking about politics and culture—but something was missing.


How Baylor Is Facing Its Slavery History

The Christian college is building a memorial to enslaved people, despite a national backlash against diversity initiatives.


Where Humility Leads to Lots of Home Runs

Dallas Baptist University is a small school with one of the top programs in college baseball. What’s the secret to its greatness?


Gen Z Pro-Lifers March Together

Usually a minority among their pro-choice peers, thousands of Christian students find solidarity at the annual March for Life in Washington. 


How Pepperdine University Is Helping Fight the LA Fires

When water was in short supply, the Christian school’s reservoirs helped out.


Christian Colleges Continue to See Enrollment Growth

Making sense of all the data is a challenge, but one in five welcomed a notable increase of new students in 2024.


Why Calvin Is Pursuing More International Students

One in five at the Michigan school now come from outside the US, but Trump’s plans could threaten that growth strategy.

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